Reflection after Lent

If you were following my “Lenten Journey” you probably noticed that I quit blogging about it after Day 24. I kept up the prayer routine of 20 minutes of daily silent meditation, but the additional 20 minutes of trying to think of something to say about it ended up being time I just didn’t have.

I lead an extremely busy and full life. Most of what I do, I really enjoy. I do wonder how I would feel about the various things that fill my life if I actually focused on it for more than the seemingly too few minutes each week I can spare for each activity. What would it be like to read deeply and thoroughly rather than skimming for the most pertinent information for the upcoming paper? What would it be like to write and have time to revise, re-think, and re-write? What would it be like to have time to be passionate about something?

Then I think about all of the people who have not had the privilege and opportunity I have. Whose economic, social, or other circumstances have prevented them from following, or even from finding, their passions. I am only beginning to grasp, in a more-than-intellectual way, the incredible privilege I have.

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